Who we are
We are an eclectic bunch from all walks of life. There are currently forty-five active members in the Prince George Branch of the BCHPA. Some of us have kept bees for decades while others are brand new to this adventure. What we have in common is that we are all still learning and we can all laugh at our beekeeping mistakes.
What we do
Promote and encourage the keeping of bees using the most suitable methods for their effective management.
Disseminate reliable and practical information of interest to beekeepers.
Promote public knowledge of beekeeping through education programs, exhibitions and sponsorship of beekeeping instruction.
Promote the role of bees in agricultural pollination.
Represent the interests of BC beekeepers to provincial and federal governments.
Sourcing of nucs, package bees and queens
Swarm collection
Promote local, natural hive products
Beekeeping in Prince George, BC
Club Executives
Barry Clark
Jennifer McConnell
Vice President
Wally Steidle
Angela Lefebvre
To be filled
Media Director
Mary-Joyce Schimann
Facebook Director
Mary-Joyce Schimann
Directors at Large
Andy Pratt
Mary-Joyce Schimann
Lyn Smith
Jenn McConnell
BCHPA Representative
Lyn Smith
Website Administrator
Mary-Joyce Schimann
Past Presidents
Susan Ramsay & David DeLeenheer
Randy Chencharik
Jenn McConnell
Our History
Two of the early beekeeping leaders in the Prince George area were John Corner and Dr. Jack McGhee. Both were founding members of the Prince George Division of BC Honey Producers' Association (BCHPA) circa 1967. John Corner was the apiarist at the Prince George Experimental Farm where he did practical research work on beekeeping, and surveyed nectar and pollen plants in the area. He was later appointed Provincial Apiarist with headquarters in Vernon.
In 1969, the Prince George Branch had 26 members. The club held beekeeping field days annually in late June.
In the late 1970s, Brian Mooney was the victim in a case of deliberate bee poisoning. Eighty hives were poisoned and samples taken by the RCMP tested positive for the presence of calcium cyanide. Mr. Mooney eventually sold his hives and moved to southern BC.
Over the years, many colourful personalities, astute entrepreneurs and extraordinary bee lovers with regular day jobs graced the Prince George and surrounds beekeeping scene. These include George Fedyk, Peter Amyoony, Wally Penner, Jim Henham, Dietrich Elias, Frank Siemens, Rick Parent, Andy Pratt, Jim Curry, Ivan McGill, Frank Cole, and Ilya Jung to name a few. Some also took up executive roles at the BCHPA at various times. Number of hives owned by members ranged from a few to as many as 400.
George Fedyk's hives in a bear protection device, mid-1970s.
Dr. Jack McGhee catching a swarm found in a pine tree.